Chapter I
Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Arthropod-borne viral fevers and viral haemorrhagic fevers

A92 Other mosquito-borne viral fevers

Ross River disease ( B33.1)
A92.0 Chikungunya virus disease
Chikungunya (haemorrhagic) fever
A92.1 O'nyong-nyong fever
A92.2 Venezuelan equine fever
Venezuelan equine:
  • encephalitis
  • encephalomyelitis virus disease
A92.3 West Nile virus infection
West Nile fever
A92.4 Rift Valley fever
A92.8 Other specified mosquito-borne viral fevers
A92.9 Mosquito-borne viral fever, unspecified

A93 Other arthropod-borne viral fevers, not elsewhere classified

A93.0 Oropouche virus disease
Oropouche fever
A93.1 Sandfly fever
Pappataci fever
Phlebotomus fever
A93.2 Colorado tick fever
A93.8 Other specified arthropod-borne viral fevers
Piry virus disease
Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome [SFTS]
Vesicular stomatitis virus disease [Indiana fever]

A94 Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever

Arboviral fever NOS
Arbovirus infection NOS

A95 Yellow fever

A95.0 Sylvatic yellow fever
Jungle yellow fever
A95.1 Urban yellow fever
A95.9 Yellow fever, unspecified

A96 Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever

A96.0 Junin haemorrhagic fever
Argentinian haemorrhagic fever
A96.1 Machupo haemorrhagic fever
Bolivian haemorrhagic fever
A96.2 Lassa fever
A96.8 Other arenaviral haemorrhagic fevers
A96.9 Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever, unspecified

A97 Dengue

Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of a mosquito infected by dengue viruses. It is one disease entity with different clinical presentations and often with unpredictable clinical evolution and outcome. Most patients recover following a self-limiting non-severe clinical course like nausea, vomiting, rash, aches and pains, but a small proportion progress to severe disease, mostly characterized by plasma leakage with or without haemorrhage, although severe haemorrhages or severe organ impairment can occur, with or without dengue shock.
A97.0 Dengue without warning signs
Dengue haemorrhagic fever grades 1 and 2
Dengue haemorrhagic fever without warning signs
A97.1 Dengue with warning signs
Clinical warning signs are: abdominal pain or tenderness, mucosal bleeding, lethargy and /or restlessness, rapid decrease in platelet count, increase in hematocrit. Other signs can include: persistent vomiting, visible fluid accumulation, liver enlargement more than 2 cm.
Dengue haemorrhagic fever with warning signs
A97.2 Severe Dengue
Clinical signs include: 1. Severe plasma leakage leading to shock (Dengue shock syndrome - DSS) and/or fluid accumulation with respiratory distress; 2. Severe bleeding as evaluated by clinician; 3. Severe organ involvement: Liver AST or ALT >=1000, CNS: impaired consciousness (encephalitis), involvement of other organs, as myocarditis or nephritis
Severe dengue fever
Severe dengue haemorrhagic fever
A97.9 Dengue, unspecified
Dengue fever [DF] NOS

A98 Other viral haemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified

chikungunya haemorrhagic fever ( A92.0)
dengue haemorrhagic fever ( A97.-)
A98.0 Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever
Central Asian haemorrhagic fever
A98.1 Omsk haemorrhagic fever
A98.2 Kyasanur Forest disease
A98.3 Marburg virus disease
A98.4 Ebola virus disease
A98.5 Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
Haemorrhagic fever:
  • epidemic
  • Korean
  • Russian
Hantaan virus disease
Hantaanvirus disease with renal manifestations
Nephropathia epidemica
hantavirus (cardio-)pulmonary syndrome ( B33.4†, J17.1*)
A98.8 Other specified viral haemorrhagic fevers

A99 Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever